Who We Are

We are a non-denominational Christian community theater group that is based in the Lampeter Church of the Brethren. We belong to one God, not one denomination. Our goal is to promote Christ and challenge ourselves, as well as our audience, to include Him in our daily lives and to portray that as a reality.

The Promise Players began out of a wish to perform plays that were full-length in nature, supportive and/or challenging of a Christian’s daily walk with Christ, and that didn’t contain swearing or promote situations that are considered immoral. This is not to say we don’t want to deal with realistic situations of human life, but to look at them through the eyes of persons who struggle with, and deal with, situations using a perspective of faith and use that faith in real life.

We are a non-profit organization and all who work with The Promise Players are volunteers. There are no paid positions. Donations received ‘at the door’ for each production directly support named charities. We have covered our operating expenses through the support of Lampeter Church of the Brethren and a portion of the donations received. With each play we’ve produced, we have benefited some organization that is related in ministry to a theme or situation presented in the play. Our plan is to continue donating in this way to charitable services with each production.

The Promise Players held their debut performance in October 1995. “Pokeweed and Mrs. Gasp and Other One-Acts With a Point-of-View” by Anita Higman was chosen due to the flexibility in the casting of four one-act plays. There was no way of knowing if there was any interest in performing in an unknown play that dealt with God as a presence in our daily lives. Thankfully, God sent just the right persons and number of persons to audition and we were on our way.

While we do not have the resources or facilities of many of the local theaters, we are definitely growing and improving in all areas of theater. Our goal is to continue this growth and share the gifts and talents God gave us for His honor.