
Upcoming Events

Dinner Theater Fundraiser

May 17 at 6:00 pm and May 18 at 12:00 and 6:00 pm

Enjoy a delicious meal and help solve the case of the duplicate date nut loaf!

Inspector Casey Solved is called to a local church’s bake sale and bazaar. As usual, Lillian “Lil” O’Laydee has baked her famous date nut loaf using her family’s secret recipe. But wait! Someone else has dared to bake a date nut loaf and put it on the bake sale table beside Lil’s! Could it be as good as Lil’s . . . or was her recipe stolen and it truly is a duplicate date nut loaf?! The audience gets to vote on who they think the culprit is!

Auditions for our fall, 2024 play

August 25 from 1:00 to 6:00 pm

The D’Baquel family takes a vacation, but things are anything but relaxing. The lodge is full of animated goofballs, and the bellhop keeps tossing their luggage into the canyon. How many times will Sam run the 347 stairs to retrieve their stuff?

A comedic beginning turns into a darker reality as we see the real-life inner conflicts and pain of the family members. How will they find relief from their daily struggles?

Roles are available for 5 men, 5 women, and additional flex roles.